today so siannz cause schl ends at 2:10 then make e whole class wan to sleep sia...then after go down saw weiming his sis and darryl.we then walk to kfc to there saw mary(darren) then eat together eat finish liao then mary(darren) treat us ice-cream then we slack at outside MC we stay there until about 4 plus then we go home.....
tats all for today...
wil post someday and btw exam i coming so wish everybody gddd luckkk!!!!!
haizzz....yesterday very fun wth my pal,sammy.we met each other then we go eat,after tat we when to play basketball so fun sia then we went to play sam laptop.we go to the youtube to search for ghost video then i ask him type
the red house.the group of ppl go scold and challenge the brave man .after tat we go eat din.come bak go play his psp while he search for more website.....then later when going home he accompany mi to the mrt station then he go home
tats allfor today
wil post someday later hahas we even take a photo ahahas
haha i today post tat day de memorieswth sammy and jj....tat day dunno which day already me and myself went to mi pri schl =wellington then at there saw gd pal sam then we go to mrt station to met jj then we play dota whoa the jj kill us alot of time.
then me and sam decided to hav a plan and the plan is i go bottom then sam go mid but still cnnt so sam go use ulti while i use my shackle to grab hold jj then we nearly kill him leh ..walao miss by only abit life point...
after tat go play basketball wth some old frend then when they leave we play ourself....its time to go home then me and sam go to the traffic then we go separate way...
tat all for today bb........